Restaurants in city Bacau Romania
Before the
presentation of a few restaurants in city Bacau,I will guide you to
McDonald’s,because if arrive late, after 12 midnight,or want to leave
early,eating at McDonald’s can be a solution.
this is a small list with some well-known restaurants from Bacau
Romania,becaue the list is long and will be presented in time. Address: Street Erou Ciprian Pintea, nr. 13 ,Bacau (near McDonald’s)
Amarante Restaurant Bacau Romania Address: Street Spiru Haret nr.8,Bacau (near Park Cancicov)
Latin Restaurant Bacau Romania Address: Boulevard Unirii no.2,Bacau (downtown)
Arena Mall Bacau Romania (KFC is located) Address: Street Stefan cel Mare No. 28,Bacau
Bon appetit!